Art & Design

ENSA Dijon



Letha Wilson

11h • Amphithéâtre

Travail de l’artiste américaine

(conférence en anglais)

Letha Wilson is a visual artist whose work intersects landscape photography and sculpture, pairing photographs with materials such as concrete, drywall, and wood. Her works often fold together urban and natural elements into a tenuous yet suggestive balance that challenge a photograph’s traditionally flat and precious surface. Letha lives and works in Brooklyn, New-York, and is currently an artist-in-residence at the Farpath Foundation in Dijon.

For images and more information about her work, visit :

Conférence proposée par François Geissmann.

En priorité destinées aux étudiants et enseignants de l’école, les conférences sont ouvertes au public dans la limite des places disponibles.

Rock Face,Letha Wilson,2011